Fat Joe Defends Himself Over Big Pun’s Widow Claiming He Robbed Him of Millions in Royalties [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 4 years ago

Fat Joe wants you to know that he’s never robbed late friend Big Pun of royalties owed to his family, despite what Big Pun’s widow Liza Ross says.

via Complex

The legacy of Joe and Pun’s business relationship has long been a complicated one, but it recently kicked off again after N.O.R.E. defended Joe in a recent episode of Drink Champs. In the clip, N.O.R.E. asserted that Joe did not “rob” Pun, and he’s even seen the contracts they signed, which he called “standard.” He also claimed that Joe just wants an apology for Ross’ claims.


“Joe want me to apologize to him for me going after what was rightfully my families!?” said Ross in the comment section. “He is responsible for over $2.3 million in royalties that was never paid to Pun it’s all in the court papers! All public info!” 

In a follow-up comment, she also took aim at N.O.R.E. for what he said. “I promise you if you passed away and who ever your signed to takes all the money that was rightfully yours and leaves your wife and kids with nothing and homeless you don’t think your wife is gonna fight for what is yours and your kids,” she wrote. “Ask HER!! Please I seen your wife she won’t play that. Stop it Pun is looking at you crazy!”Fat Joe appeared to notice her comments, and offered his reply in which he stated his case and denied her allegations.

“Tellem about that money I got you when he died you spent it then put out that documentary you want holding Pun down on that doc just say the truth,” he wrote. “I’ve always been [100 emoji] with pun and Nore knows that. I never lost that case I never owed you a cent he is still unrecouped you was sitting their [sic] when the judge asked you why I’m here I owed nothing just say the truth that’s all.”

He concluded, “I owed them nothing and gave them the music that was created by me I paid no settlement I owed not one dollar tell them peoples to stop lying they got not a dollar from me I gave her money she blew the money period grow up and say the truth when u put that video of you know what in that documentary is when his legacy was fucked you did all this to yourself period stop lying it a get you further in life lying hasn’t got you nowhere by now time to tell your kids the truth.”


Arguing over dead folks’ money is always messy.


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