Draya Michele Sues Ex Tyrod Taylor for Backing Out of House Deal | lovebscott.com

Draya Michele Sues Ex Tyrod Taylor for Backing Out of House Deal

Draya Michele is playing house 22-year-old Jalen Green — while also suing her ex Tyrod Taylor over a different one.

via TMZ:

The 39-year-old model said in the suit, obtained by TMZ Sports, that Tyrod purchased a Los Angeles-area home back in August 2022 … and let Draya and her kids move in. She claims that at the time, she entered into a verbal pact with the 34-year-old signal-caller that would allow her to one day buy it from the football player.

She says the two agreed that any contributions that Draya made to the property — such as improvements to the place or mortgage payments — would go toward the final purchase price of the home … if she ultimately chose to buy it.
She says the two never formally entered into a written contract — as they were still dating at the time.

Draya says in the suit she went on to offer Taylor $2.8 million for the place … and when he countered at $3.2 mil in January 2024, she accepted. She claims she then poured nearly $300K into the residence — believing it’d go toward the price she agreed to pay for the home.

Draya, though, says Taylor “surprisingly” pulled the rug out from underneath her recently … and is now threatening to evict her. She states he’s also refusing to sell her the property.

Draya is suing for, among other things, breach of contract … and is asking for unspecified damages.

Draya and Taylor reportedly began dating back in 2020 — but split sometime in 2023. Draya is now romantically involved with NBA star Jalen Green … and just gave birth to the 22-year-old’s child last month.

Draya’s life has gotten so…messy.

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