B. Scott Responds to BET Emails Exposing Premeditated Discrimination and Cover-up


Published 11 years ago

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The leaked email exchange between BET/Viacom personnel is both shocking, and hurtful. While I’m disheartened by the blatant and intentional attempt to stifle my gender identity/expression way before the day of the event, I’m also thankful that the truth is starting to surface.

This email exchange not only corroborates everything I said to be true, but it shows that BET/Viacom tried to cover-up and spin that truth with lies.

The BET Awards 106th and Park Pre-Show was recorded in front of a live audience, media personnel, etc. — many of whom can attest to my prompt arrival and utmost professionalism.


It’s a shame that a company such as BET/Viacom would rather focus energy towards slandering my reputation in an attempt to further humiliate me instead of learning from their mistakes. The time & energy spent creating a ‘spin’ could have more effectively been used to help create a more welcoming environment for LGBTQ employees.

Click Here to Read the Internal BET Emails via the Huffington Post

Read: Open Letter – What Really Happened to Me at the 2013 BET Awards
Read: B. Scott Files Multi-Million Gender Identity & Discrimination Lawsuit Against BET and Viacom (Court Documents + Personal Statement)
Read: A Conversation with B. Scott on the Power of Defining Yourself
Read: Breaking Binaries with B. Scott
Watch: B. Scott on MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts Discussing Gender Identity & Discrimination Lawsuit

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